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The Brand-New Red Gorilla Store Visit Series

The Brand-New Red Gorilla Store Visit Series


Red Gorilla® proudly introduce the Store Visit Series on YouTube.

We obviously take great pride in having a strong relationship with their customers which is why we have decided to partner up with the Lilpet Channel on YouTube and some of our most loyal retailers across the country to release a new Store Visit Series. The series is already underway and will be ongoing through to October 2025 which will see us visit customers across the UK to find out more about their store, the history of their business and the local equine community they serve.


The series has started off with visits to Parklands Equestrian Centre just outside of Sheffield, Townfield’s Saddlers in Coventry and the newly opened Feed Warehouse in County Durham with a visit to Thomas Irving’s in Chesterfield planned soon. All these outlets are family run businesses with decades of history that provide ongoing support to their local equine communities as well as supplying them with a massive range of our must-have equestrian care products. Each store will celebrate the launch of their store visit video with a special sale weekend offering discounts off all Red Gorilla® products, hopefully boosting sales, brand awareness and bringing new eyes to the products.


Hosting the videos will be Georgia Kavulok from Lilpet Channel, a valued content creator in the equine world who has contributed to the growth and success of Red Gorilla® in the past.  The store visit series has been designed to promote not only the fantastic equine stores across the country, but also our devotion to maintaining a strong and healthy relationship with small independent businesses.


Katherine Tuckley, our equine sales manager featured in the series had this to say after the visit to Townfield’s:


“With the first two videos in the series being a tremendous success, we eagerly anticipate getting to go out and speak to more of our loyal customers in 2025.”


The aim for the series is to not only create more visibility for the high-quality line of products we sell but to also shed a light on the devoted customers, their fantastic shops and how important and beneficial they are within their communities.  With more eyes on them, that means more eyes on Red Gorilla® products and more business for everyone involved.


You can keep up to date with the Store Visit Series on the Red Gorilla® YouTube page at

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